
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wire Hangers: Redux

Guys, you are the BEST.  Seriously,  I know it's hard sometimes to be like... yeah, your DIY sucks. But the feedback I got on my hangers was awesome, and helped push me in the right direction.  This is why I love the 'bee.  I get supportive feedback and don't feel like a complete moron for having tried, and failed.

So, after my last post about the hangers went up, and you saw the disaster that I was planning on giving to my friend for her wedding this weekend, I went out and purchased some stiffer wire from Lowes.  It's the same gauge wire (14), but it's galvanized, which as far as I can tell makes it harder to bend and a little less shiny.  Also, it didn't dent quite so easily when I was using the pliers to bend it (and didn't leave "teeth" marks on the wire, either).

Just as a reminder, this is what we're starting with:

I practiced a bit with the new wire,

Practice makes perfect

I think it looks SO much better.  Not perfect, not "Etsy" worthy, but considering where I was a day ago, I think it's a win!

So, thank you bees for your help! I couldn't have done it without you!

Anyone one else improve upon a DIY disaster?

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