Or, How I kind-of-ruined Mr. Ly's perfectly planned proposal (for myself).
The day Mr. Ly proposed to me was by far the happiest day of my life, to date. I'm not going to lie, I had my strong suspicions, and maybe had already told a bunch of people that I had these strong suspicions that Mr. Ly was going to propose to me on a specific date, at a specific place, and they better be ready for my phone call.
Here's the story of how I figured out what was going down, before he got down on one knee:
Teachers in NJ get a long weekend in November for a teacher's convention in Atlantic City. It's always on a Thursday and Friday, making a nice 4-day weekend, and last year it happened to coincide with Veteran's Day. Mr. Ly works for the government and gets Veteran's Day off anyway, so we had been toying with the idea of going away for the weekend. One thought was to go visit his family in Arkansas, but flights were a bit steep and we didn't really want to waste 2 of our 4 days traveling. Another idea was to visit my sister in Boston, but my mom had already claimed that (she's a teacher, too). Last year on Veteran's Day, we went to NYC just for the day, as part of Mr. Ly's birthday present. Mr. Ly has never been a huge fan of the city, but I was certain if I could show him the city I know and love (read: NOT Times Square), he would be a fan too. Maybe not to ever live there, but at least being okay for a day/weekend trip every now and then. We went to the "touristy" stops first on our trip (I was taking to him to see Avenue Q - so midtown was truly unavoidable), In keeping with the birthday themed surprise, I took Mr. Ly to FAO Schwartz to build him his own "
whatnot" (a puppet that you can customize to look like someone).
At FAO Schwartz with Mr. Ly and his "Whatnot." Success! / Personal Photo |
Needless to say, it was a good trip, and after we left the touristy areas, we went to the Lower East Side and Brooklyn, touching on some of my favorite spots, and he was much more impressed with the city than he had been in previous trips. So... we decided to go to Brooklyn for our long weekend. I was thrilled. I miss living in the city sometimes, and a weekend there is always a good fix to cure the suburban blues.
Once that decision was made, the clues start rolling in that the proposal was going to happen THAT weekend: